A young female South Asian patient with her mother.

See Your Impact

Your generosity restores hope and healing for kids and families.

A young female South Asian patient with her mother.

Philanthropy powers Children’s National Hospital.

It sparks breakthroughs. It helps us reimagine surgery for kids with heart disease. It fuels research to rally a child’s immune system to fight cancer. It brings yearly, needed check-ups to DC’s young people.

Learn how your gift can make a difference.

A toddler dressed in a snowsuit smiles in his parent's arms.

Grayson's Story

Grayson was born at 24 weeks. In his parent’s truck. During a blizzard. Our transport team partnered with regional officials and medical teams to bring Grayson to our NICU. His diagnosis was bleak. “Thanks to Children’s National, my little miracle baby made it through,” Grayson’s mom says.

In This Section

A pre-school aged patient dances in the hallway with a scarf.

Advance Pediatric Medicine

Innovations we make in pediatric medicine help children heal faster and get back to doing what they love sooner. Together, we can shape the future of medicine while improving kid's lives today.

A grade school patient on a swing at a playground.

Strengthen Our Community

Strong, healthy families lead to strong, healthy communities. Your generosity helps build families' resilience and well-being as their children grow, learn and play.

A doctor demonstrates an airway-related procedure.

Ignite Discovery

Explore how children and their families benefit from our pediatric research. You can help our learning scientists blaze trails to discovery.

Dr. Donofrio, a White female physician, smiles as she confers with a toddler-aged White female patient.

Meet Patients and Providers

Read stories about our patient families and dedicated care providers. Their journey show the impact of generous philanthropic support at Children's National Hospital.

A portrait of the Baier family at a golf event.

Believe Magazine

Our magazine looks behind the scenes at Children's National Hospital. Hear from our pediatric leaders and patients who believe in healthy futures. See how generous philanthropy makes them possible.

Give Your Way

Your charitable donation changes children's lives. Support exceptional health care and discoveries that offer hope, healing and brighter futures.

Explore how
Young patient gives a thumbs up.
“If we can convey to patients and families that who they are and their unique concerns are really important to researchers, that becomes a powerful connection.”

Lisa M. Guay-Woodford, MD, Director, Clinical and Translational Science Institute; Director, Center for Translational Research